Merchants of Norwich: on the trail of the city’s lost fortunes
Here’s my recent travel story for The Independent, a lockdown-friendly tour of our fine city of #Norwich. My quest for clues takes me through the medieval streets of one of East Anglia’s finest cities. It’s a fascinating story: for hundreds of years Norwich was England’s richest provincial city. But just when the rest of the […]

Life in lockdown – exploring Norwich’s history
Lots of us have been rediscovering our home patch during the first Covid-19 lockdown. Now we’re back into lockdown again, I’ve been exploring the Colegate area in the oldest part of #Norwich – a thousand years of history in just one short walk. And it’s quite a rollercoaster, from fabulous wealth to near-bankruptcy and back […]
Trams in Norwich? Brilliant idea
If they work for Padua, they’ll work for our fine city. I’m joining the debate about trams for Norwich – and I’m all for modern tram systems. Cities around the world are battling to solve the problems of urban traffic jams and filthy air conditions – it’s not unique to Norwich. So it makes sense […]